Self-signed certificates from the past
A short guide on how to make openssl believe it is in the past.
A short guide on how to make openssl believe it is in the past.
The Glasgow Climate Conference was a full success to everyone caring about the future.
Monkey Quote:
Deutschland kündigte außerdem an, Südafrika beim Kohleausstieg zu unterstützen. Die Bundesregierung stellt dazu rund 700 Millionen Euro bereit. Die Partnerschaft wurde gemeinsam mit Großbritannien, den USA, Frankreich und der EU angekündigt. Insgesamt werden 8,5 Milliarden US-Dollar bereit gestellt, um den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien in Südafrika zu fördern und Stromnetze zu erneuern.
Great idea. Germany isn't able to make the exit of coal power plants happen in their own country, so lets help others. What could go wrong.
How about working on the coal exit in germany? We need fixing our broken power grid, too!
Caused by the perfect Vogonism of the Ilias Wiki Sources, it is necessary, to write down how to login in ilias after complete the install. These are the credentials for the first login:
User: root
Passwort: homer
About the "great" idea to remove the web UI installer and the awful bloatware Setup Installer I will rant later.
Today everyone should use secure passwords. A secure password consists of chars, digits and special chars like the % (percentage sign). But not with Shopware 5. If you use the percentage sign with your database password a strange error occours:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught
The parameter "shopware.db" has a dependency on a non-existent parameter "y".
Did you mean one of these: "shopware.bundle.content_type.types",
"shopware.filesystem", "shopware.filesystem.private",
"shopware.filesystem.private.type", "shopware.filesystem.private.config",
"shopware.filesystem.private.config.root", "shopware.filesystem.public",
"shopware.filesystem.public.type", "shopware.filesystem.public.config",
"shopware.filesystem.public.config.url", "shopware.cdn.strategy",
"shopware.cdn.adapters.local.type", "shopware.cdn.adapters.ftp.type",
"shopware.cdn.adapters.s3.type", "shopware.cdn.adapters.s3.credentials.key",
"shopware.cdn.adapters.gcp.type", "shopware.cdn.adapters.gcp.keyFilePath",
"", "shopware.plugin_directories.Community",
"shopware.session.cookie_httponly", "shopware.session.gc_probability",
"shopware.phpsettings.display_errors", "sh in
/home/shopware/public_html/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ParameterBag/ParameterBag.php on line 102
It took a while until I discovered that the culprit is the password. It contains a '%' which triggers a replacement feature of shopware. This is really bad, because there is no difference in using single or double quotes for the password. It seems that the password runs through the ParametersBag Class to do fancy shit with replacements.
Shopware decided to disable bugreporting via github, so i report this bug here, for future references :)
xdebug3 deprecates lots of configuration parameters for debugging php apps. But if you are googling for the new configuration params you will only find two things: old stuff from the last century with the old configuration parameters or an awful page of xdebug3 itself, which is telling you what is deprecated, what have changed and so on. But a fast and handy help you won't find on this page.
So i came up with this simple snippet how to use xdebug3 fast and without reading dozens of deprecated search results or configuration params on the xdebug3 page:
xdebug.mode = profile
xdebug.output_dir = xdebug
That's it.